Top 4 Tips to Stick to Your Health and Fitness Goals for 2019

Let’s face it: once the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, we have our resolutions and goals in mind we want to achieve for the year. Most resolutions are usually associated with diet and/or fitness, but unfortunately many resolutioners last only a few weeks because they don’t see insta . . . Click to read more!

10 Tips for an Optimal Immune System during Winter

Your immune system is your body’s natural defense against bacteria and viruses. Although it works effectively most of the time, sometimes our immune system fails, and we become sick. The best way to avoid getting sick is to build up a strong immune system with proper . . . Click to read more!

Fermented Foods

Cultures around the world have been eating and drinking fermented foods and beverages for thousands of years: sauerkraut in Germany, kimchi in Korea and Kombucha in China to name a few. For some time, with the advances in technology and food preparation, these traditionally fermented foods were most . . . Click to read more!

Okanagan SunFM Oodles of Noodles Giveaway!

SunFM_RadioWIN KASLO SOURDOUGH’S PASTA FOR A YEAR! We have team . . . Click to read more!

Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte by Renée Altman, RHN Verity Nutrition

October is my favourite month of the year; the vibrant colours of leaves falling on the ground, the crisp autumn air, and, of course, the abundance of squash and pumpkins readily available. The chilly morning air has me craving a warm cup of joe in the morning. One of the popular drinks this season . . . Click to read more!

Healthy Back to School Snack Ideas by Renée Altman, RHN Verity Nutrition

Summer holidays are over, school has started and the air has become significantly cooler overnight! Are you ready for another school year?  As much as I love summer I am excited to get back into a regular routine: eating, exercising, and getting organized for the next couple months before Christmas . . . Click to read more!

We're Recruiting! (Though you need to be in Calgary!)

What you also get for taking part: -free DXA scan that will tell you about your body's composition (e.g. % fat mass, % lean . . . Click to read more!

Kaslo Sourdough Pasta Celebrates the Launch of a New Research Project

Kaslo Sourdough, a Kootenay-based sourdough pasta producer, is pleased to announce a new research project: Exploiting the Health Benefits of a Novel Sourdough Fermented Pasta. This year-long project is being undertaken in collaboration with Dr. Jane Shearer at the University of Calgary, and research . . . Click to read more!

Kaslo Sourdough is Joyous Health Approved!

Kaslo Sourdough is excited to have our fermented pastas Joyous Health Approved! What does this mean? Joy McCarthy, Certified Holist . . . Click to read more!

Sourdough - The ferment of life

Sourdough pasta, or as we coined it ‘Pasta Fermentata™’, was born out of my passion, dedication and knowledge for baking traditional sourdough bread over the past 22 years. The common thread is that both of these foods are made from gluten-containing grains. Our ancestors predominantly co . . . Click to read more!