Cookbook Review: Salt Fat Acid Heat
There are cookbooks and then there are cookbooks, and this one is definitely worth the review. We're really excited to spend a bit of time talking about Samin Nosrat's "Salt Fat Acid Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking" (2017) because it's a cookbook unlike any we've read before. There a . . . Click to read more!
What did one sourdough loaf say to the other?
"I loaf you." This is one sourdough pun that I can totally see my husband saying to me. He's sweet and funny and knows how to land a killer (if cheesy) pun. My love for his puns is one of the things our friends still comment on: that that's how they knew I was the one for him. I always find them f . . . Click to read more!
Herbs and Spices Continued
Back in July, we first started a conversation about the value of cleaning out your herb and spice drawer. As we wind down the summer and welcome cooler nights, we're thinking about best ways to use the last fresh herbs from . . . Click to read more!
More Pasta Bag Reuse Ideas - Summer 2024
We've been on the move this summer and with travel has come a few more pasta bag reuse ideas after the last of your Kaslo Sourdough noodles are gone. For those of you new to Kaslo Sourdough pasta bag reuse ideas, we first posted . . . Click to read more!
Refresh Your Spice Drawer!
Or spice basket, or bin, or wherever you keep them all! Giving your spice drawer a once through may be the best way to get some great flavours back into your dishes this summer! In this post we cover why it's a good idea to check the state of your herb and spice drawer, what a herb and a spice is . . . Click to read more!
Kaslo Sourdough and Buy BC Funding 2024
We are delighted to share that Kaslo Sourdough has been successful with its application for Buy BC funding again this year! This is such a great program for us - we share many of the values and priorities with Buy BC. And if you haven't seen it yet, we were featured in the . . . Click to read more!
Getting into Fermented Foods
We love it when people get interested and enthusiastic about food. That could be growing it in a backyard garden or containers on a porch, or doing some countertop fermentation and brewing kombucha. Or even making and nurturing your own sourdough! In reviewing our past posts, we've realized that par . . . Click to read more!
Homemade Sourdoughs and Starters
What's a real sourdough? Does homemade count? What about the one I started on my counter with just flour and water? It's the beginning of the new year, and I am thinking of trying my own culture... Well, this post is for you! In September last year, we took part in the . . . Click to read more!
Three Kaslo Businesses We Love
With this post, we thought we’d spotlight three Kaslo businesses that we love. As you know, Kaslo Sourdough has been operating out of our beautiful hometown, Kaslo BC for almost thirty years. While it isn’t always easy running a business in such a remote area, we feel getting to live and work . . . Click to read more!
A Little Bit About Kaslo
You’ve heard us say this before: Kaslo is an amazing town. We love it here. It’s an amazing place to raise a family. To adventure. Enjoy summer sunshine. Find work life balance and actually live it. Maintain a food production comp . . . Click to read more!