#BuyBC and Kaslo Sourdough
Buy BC and Kaslo Sourdough – a Summer 2021 Update! We are very happy to share some good news that we received at the end of May: Kaslo Sourdough was a successful applicant to the Buy BC Partnership Program, which is administered by the Agriculture Investme . . . Click to read more!
Six Months (Already!?) with our Sourdough Spaghetti!
It’s been just over six months since we launched our newest noodle shape, the sourdough spaghetti, and it’s been really popular! This shouldn’t surprise us – some of you have consistently asked us for a sourdough spaghetti since we started making sourdough pastas over eight years ago, but pl . . . Click to read more!
New Product Alert: Sourdough Spaghetti is here!
We are beyond excited to finally be launching a new product – sourdough spaghetti!!! And yes, all the exclamation marks. It’s taken us eight years to get here, but we’re finally a go! Even with the extra challenges that the pandemic put in our way this past year, we managed to find a way throu . . . Click to read more!
Home-Cooked Meals
While we recognize that not everyone has the time or ability to cook from home, let’s face it: home-cooked meals can often be healthier, tastier and a lot easier on the pocketbook. These meals don’t have to be overly complicated; they just require a little bit of planning. By preparing your own . . . Click to read more!
Kaslo: Town, Home and Burgeoning Pasta Centre
Some of you may have wondered “What is Kaslo?” And what’s it doing at the front of “sourdough pasta?” This article gives a little bit of Kaslo Sourdough’s history for the small town that caught the hearts of the family at the centre of our company, and will hopefully leave you with a bit . . . Click to read more!
Research Complete: Kaslo Sourdough’s Unique Bacterial Culture
In October 2019 Kaslo Sourdough initiated a new research project with Dr. Michael Gänzle, an expert in sourdough fermentation research at the University of Alberta, where he is Canada Research Chair in the Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science Department. Dr. Gänzle is one of the leading exper . . . Click to read more!
Funding Grant Enables Spaghetti Expansion!
Kaslo Sourdough is pleased to share that they are the recipient of a $46,625.00 grant from the Canada – British Columbia Agri-Innovation Program which enables them to make their dream of manufacturing a sourdough spaghetti come within reach. The grant was awarded to accelerate their growth in the . . . Click to read more!
5 Tips for Re-using our Packaging
In the 3R’s of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, “reuse” comes second. If you’ve already bought one of our bags of delicious pastas, then in addition to several tasty meals, you are in possession of an item that you can easily re-use! Of course, you can recycle our high quality bags as well, but w . . . Click to read more!
Top 4 Tips to Stick to Your Health and Fitness Goals for 2020
Let’s face it: once the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, we have our resolutions and goals in mind we want to achieve for the year. Most resolutions are usually associated with diet and/or fitness, but unfortunately many resolutioners last only a few weeks because they don’t see insta . . . Click to read more!