“I loaf you.” This is one sourdough pun that I can totally see my husband saying to me. He’s sweet and funny and knows how to land a killer (if cheesy) pun. My love for his puns is one of the things our friends still comment on: that that’s how they knew I was the one for him. I always find them funny.
It’s thanks to him that we’re going to have a post all about my favourite sourdough puns and jokes this month. We have mostly made it through the spooky season… (on my walk earlier today, I was still seeing plenty of Halloween decorations out!). So it feels like a good time for something light-hearted to turn the mood around and get us ready for the warmth of the soul to get us through November. (Not to mention the time change!)
Without further ado: here’s my top 10 sourdough related puns, jokes and wise bits (with credits at the bottom of the page).
My fave sourdough jokes, puns and witty bits
- What does sourdough do on a first date? Tries to get a rise out of you.
- How do you know if a sourdough loaf has been baked by a pessimist? They always see the crust as half charred.
- What is a sourdough’s idea of a balanced diet? A slice in each hand!
- I can’t think of a sourdough pun right now, but I’ll surprise you with one when you yeast expect it.
Screenshot of a sourdough pun from torontosourdoughmama’s Instagram. - Life is like sourdough: you gotta rise to the occasion!
- Warning: sourdough may cause symptoms like chickens and a farm.
- Procrastibaking. Verb: when you have a million things to do but ignore everything and bake a loaf of sourdough.
- “Our customers love us; they are never sour.”
- This one is best seen as the card one sourdough lover made for another:
“Thanks a boule’ion” by thesuperficial88, posted to Reddit. A “boule” is French for a round, crusty loaf of bread, often sourdough. - Be like sourdough: live slowly, build up your strength, transform under pressure and bring people joy.
Hope your day is better because of this dash of sourdough humour!
(1, 2 and 3 are from Sourdough Jokes, Puns and Musings).
(4 is from a comment left by liverpoolsourdough on torontosourdoughmama’s Instagram when she put out a call for sourdough puns on a day she needed a pick-me-up. I added the word “sourdough”.)
(5 is from thatsourdoughgal.com.)
(6 is from simpleerooted’s Pintrest.)
(7 is from a very funny collection of the funniest tweets that letseatcake put together related to quarantine baking. If you want a dive back into the early COVID 19 days, click through on this link.
(8 is from my husband as an example of how easy it was to make sourdough related puns when he was pitching the idea of a pun themed post.)
(9 is posted to Reddit’s r/sourdough by thesuperficial88. Love that watercolour! A close friend also recently had a baby shower that invited us to celebrate their “boule in the oven”…. knead I say more?)
(10 is from Southworth Sourdough’s Instagram.)